• What is Blu-ray?

    Blu-ray is a next-generation optical disc format developed to store large amounts of data (almost 5 times that of the DVD), while enabling the recording, rewriting and playback of high-definition video (HD).

  • What is DVD?

    DVD is short for Digital Versatile Disk.

  • What is Blu-ray/DVD Authoring?

    Blu-ray/DVD authoring involves collecting source data such as audio, video, menus, subtitles, etc., adding the interactive navigation and putting the project assets in the proper format for creating the master disc image. This is done using authoring software. Blu-ray Authoring prepares HD video for Blu-ray compatibility. There are several authoring programs available depending on your specific needs or requirements.

  • What is Duplication?

    Duplication is the standard method for producing up to 1,000 Blu-ray/DVD's. With this method, the data from the original/master disc is copied onto a hard drive. After the master disc is removed, blank discs are placed into the system, where the copied data is then burned onto the blanks.

    Disc burners use a laser to burn microscopic data pits onto a recordable disc. The data burned into the disc is then verified against the master, and the copy is accepted or rejected. Duplication is ideal for your urgent need or short run requirements, and USA Studios can print the discs in full color. The costs for smaller quantity runs can often be more affordable than with small run Replication costs

  • What is Replication?

    The Replication process manufactures your Blu-ray or DVD discs in a high-volume factory using the same process as the Hollywood movies you buy in the store. This is the method used to produce larger runs of more than 1,000 Blu-ray/DVD’s. Replication generally takes a much longer time than duplication because of additional steps (i.e. custom printing and packaging), which can take 7-14 days to complete.

    The final disc image can be transmitted over the Internet to a number of large replication plants located around the world, saving time and air freight costs. Alternatively, a data tape or hard drive containing the disc image can be shipped to the replicator.

    Glass masters are manufactured from your digital disc image using machinery inside a clean room environment. These stamp the data pits onto blank Lexan plastic media coated with a thin layer of reflective aluminum.. The disc is then lacquered for protection and then printed with the label artwork

    Before large-scale manufacturing begins, the factory will run a few check discs. These are screened by the customer and authoring house for final approval. This is the last chance to catch any problems with the project.

    • Stay in touch

    • Contact us now for a free, quick quote on the services needed for your project.
    • USA studios is proud to offer the most high-quality service for an affordable rate that companies of all sizes can afford. We have worked on every type of project so we’re experts at providing the most cost effective rates